Thomas Robinson Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist London E8Thomas Robinson:

Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist (ACP)

Hello. I’m Tom, a qualified Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist registered with the Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP). I am working in independent practice from HQ Therapy Rooms in Haggerston.


My approach:
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy creates a space for you to bring your concerns and pre-occupations without a set agenda. Together we will think about complex behaviours, thoughts and emotions which can be difficult to understand, often because the meaning lies outside of your immediate awareness. Often this process involves exploring how past experiences link to present struggles by looking back at the course of your life. We will also consider the function that behaviours hold currently and how they might be thought about differently. The purpose of this work is to develop new self-awareness and understanding, challenging well-established ways of being in the world that are causing unhappiness, anxiety and distress. In this way psychotherapy can improve the relationship we have with ourselves and others around us.

It can take time to feel comfortable sharing personal aspects of one’s life and experiences. The work of therapy will progress at an appropriate pace to allow a relationship of trust to develop. I will be guided by your needs as well as gradually challenging you to explore further along the way. Compassion and care are at the core of my practice and I remain attuned to the external world realities of prejudice, oppression and the difficulties that impact some more than others in our society.

Where appropriate, I maintain close links with family members and networks as well as meticulously maintaining an individual’s right to confidentiality.


About me:
My doctoral level training was undertaken at the Tavistock and Portman NHS trust. During these four years I worked in CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) and a specialist forensic psychotherapy provision. I am qualified to work with individuals aged 0-26 and to work with parents.

I currently work in the NHS in an adolescent eating disorder team where I offer individual and family work as well as consultation. Prior to training I worked in NHS sexual health services, in hospitals including the Royal Free and Chelsea and Westminster, where my specific focus was on work with adolescents and young adults. I have previous experience in voluntary sector services including NSPCC, Safer London and the Anna Freud Centre.

I am qualified to work with a range of presentations relating to an individual’s mental health, from the mild to the more complex. This encompasses diagnosable conditions such as depression, anxiety or PTSD, but also matters of identity and the struggles of everyday life. I believe that all presentations should be treated seriously and with care. I provide long-term interventions on an ongoing basis as well as shorter-term psychotherapy.


***If you require more information and guidance about therapy, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page.***

Tom – Working Hours

Friday – 14:00 – 17:00

Contact Details

Thomas Robinson, Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, can be reached using the following:
Email: [email protected]

Clients Tom Works With

Client Issues Tom Deals With

Therapy Modalities Tom uses With Clients

Training and Qualifications

– DPsych in Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.

Previous Therapeutic Experience

– NHS, Voluntary Sector.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Seek Therapy?

Many people, new to this type of help, believe that they need to be suffering from “mental illness” or serious “psychological problems”, or be in crisis in order for therapy and counselling to be appropriate for them. This is a common misconception; anyone can benefit from therapy when it comes to helping you deal with your personal feelings and problems, make positive changes in your life, and understand yourself better.

So what is therapy and counselling? If you’re new to this world then the first steps can sometimes be the most difficult. Therapy can be a very effective treatment for a whole range of personal problems covering areas from physical and emotional problems, different types of behavioural disorders, through to human sexuality issues and a host of wellbeing and complementary therapy techniques.

Any problem you have that is causing you concern, anxiety or distress is a valid and appropriate reason to reach out and find a therapist and talk to them about it. Far from something to be ashamed of, acknowledging your vulnerability and asking for help is a sign of maturity and strength.

If you feel that you have a desire and are committed to making changes in your life in order to overcome your current problems and achieve more long-term satisfaction, psychological wellbeing and personal fulfilment, then you are ready to seek therapy. We are here to help you work through a wide range of therapy issues that might be troubling you.

Will Information About Me Be Safe & Secure?

It is quite normal to be hesitant when it comes to sharing private and intimate information about yourself with a stranger. You may fear that you will receive judgment from your therapist, or that your therapist will share your details with others.

HQ Therapy Rooms takes your privacy and confidentiality very seriously. Our therapists are required to keep everything said in therapy sessions between you, just like your doctor is required to keep your records private.

For therapy to be effective, there must be unconditional trust built between you and your therapist, and this relies on a shared understanding of confidentiality. It applies to the outside world as well: it is standard practice for therapists not to acknowledge their clients if they run into them outside of the therapy rooms in order to help protect their client’s confidentiality. Read our full privacy policy for more information.

Can I Contact You For Advice About Getting Therapy?

Talking about your thoughts and feelings with a supportive therapist can often make you feel better and help you face your problems. It feels good to be listened to and to know that someone cares about you and wants to help. It is important that you find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable and can build a trusting relationship to help you make positive changes in your life.

But how do you know what type of therapy is right for you? Taking the first steps in finding the right therapist can be the biggest hurdle for newcomers, so we have made it easy. Simply fill out the form below in confidence, and one of our fully qualified referral therapists can work with you to make sure you connect with the right practitioner and receive the correct therapy and counselling services you require.

Our practitioners deal with a wide range of therapy issues using different types of therapy modalities tailored for the types of clients we work with. We also cater for people who are beset with financial difficulties, offering them services ranging from low-cost therapy and reduced rate therapy, to working with seasoned, qualified and accredited talking therapists.