Therapy News & articles
The Labels We Live By: And Why Labelling People With Addiction Problems Is Complex
Modern society it seems is intent on labelling people, why do we have the need to do that? At what point did the person become the label, or did the label become the person? It’s an interesting question that can be applied to pretty much any form of human behaviour. My name is Rowenna Clifford…
Mind Training: Become an observer of Your Own Mind With Mindfulness Meditation
Gaelle Tuffigo is someone who knows a lot about Mind Training and Mindfulness Meditation, she is passionate about equipping people and teams with the right tools and skills to be happier and more performant, and over the years has worked with thousands of people teaching her Mindfulness Meditation classes in London and Paris. She remembers…
Man Down: Why Is It That Males Find Sharing Their Personal Issues So Difficult?
When it comes to males sharing their personal issues with a friend, family or therapist, there seem to be large barriers for them to overcome in order to seek help with the problem. For example, it is a truth universally acknowledged that a man in a car, even when hopelessly and utterly lost, is incapable…
How To Deal With Smartphone Addiction: Ditch Those Toxic Tech Habits & Become A Better Version Of You
Care to admit it or not, smartphone addiction is something that many of us suffer from. We have become a nation of digital dependents where we spend more time looking at our smartphone screens every day than we do sleeping (on average 8 hours 41 minutes). In fact, smartphone addiction is on the rise, the…
Touch Starved: Dealing With Skin Hunger & Lack Of Physical Contact In Times Of Social Distancing
So who’s been feeling touch starved recently? In these strange times of Coronavirus lockdown and the ensuing need for social distancing, we are all forced to limit or altogether forgo physical contact. The result is that more people than ever are struggling with symptoms of touch starvation (or suffering from skin hunger). Skin hunger describes…
Mindful or Mind Full? Joining A Gestalt Personal Development Group In London
Personal development group work using Gestalt therapy offers the opportunity for individuals to explore personal issues with others who are interested in understanding themselves, and their relationship with others. Some of the benefits that may arise from Gestalt group work are: The development of greater awareness. A chance to work and experiment with a wide…
Couples In The Coronavirus Lockdown – How To Thrive As Well As Survive
How are couples in the Coronavirus lockdown adjusting to the new circumstances that have hit us all over the past year year and what are the possible effects on their relationship? There is, literally, no getting away from the pandemic, during the Covid lockdown you’ll be spending a great deal more of your time with…
How To Turn Your COVID Precautions Into A Mindfulness Practice
Ever wondered how you go about turning your COVID precautions into a mindfulness practice with everything that is currently happening? Because it really does seem at the moment that our main topic of conversation is the Coronavirus pandemic and how to fight it and stay safe. What is it? How will we fight it? Should…