Luise Brown:
Luise Brown Advanced Trainee Integrative Psychotherapist (UKCP trainee member)
I’m Luise Brown, an advanced trainee Psychotherapist in training at the Reduced Cost service at HQ Therapy Rooms in Haggerston Hackney, London E8. I trained in the arts and had a career in the Technology industry before becoming a therapist and have provided Low-Cost counselling for several years.
I am a mixed-race woman and marginalisation, and the impact of racism and discrimination; whether gender, class, race, sexuality, disability or otherwise are often important areas to be explored.
Part of my work is with those who are neurodiverse (ADHD/ Autism Spectrum Disorder et al).
All of these life experiences have enhanced my capability as a therapist in the following ways:
– Relational working; considering my impact on others and the impact received.
– Exploring cross-cultural work when relevant, and all experiences of discrimination and being othered.
– Communicating clear boundaries.
– Listening attentively and non-judgmentally.
– Working creatively with various tools to unlock awareness.
– Transpersonal work; understanding one’s self via spirituality and self-understanding.
I work relationally, which means working together to consider specific patterns and belief systems and how they may have formed through past experiences. Some of these experiences can be difficult to access; using imagination and art therapy can help and I often integrate this.
I am a compassionate but challenging therapist and have experience working with actors, city workers, immigrants, NHS staff, the unemployed plus many more representatives of society.
I specialise in integrative psychotherapy which means having expertise in different approaches to therapy and working out the most appropriate mode of working for you.
I am a trainee therapist member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and currently work face-to-face but can conduct initial consultations online. As part of the UKCP ethical guidelines, I see a senior therapist under supervision weekly.
The therapeutic relationship is fundamental to therapy, and I am here to support and help you through the difficult aspects of life as well as affirming and holding the beautiful and joyful parts, essentially opening a space where you see things as they are and as they could be.
Going to therapy requires courage, dedication and resilience and I look forward to sharing that journey with you.