Jess Leigh Experienced Existential Therapist London E8Jess Leigh:

Experienced Existential Therapist (MBACP)

My name is Jess Leigh. I am an intelligent, friendly, and experienced Existential/Integrative Psychotherapist, Counselling Teacher and Mediator. I provide skilled and effective Therapy to adults in person at HQ Therapy in Haggerston, E8, and online.

I also offer psychological assessments to Media organisations, and Mediation services to couples or colleagues in dispute.

Competent and compassionate, I have been privileged to witness extraordinary transformation in therapeutic relationships with a diverse range of people, over many years.

My approach is calm and boundaried – but informal. This means I am completely myself in the room and will bring humour and irony into our work together at times. I am not a ‘Blank Screen’ Therapist.


Why Have Therapy?
Well…it can be an enormous relief to face troubling feelings.

Working with a trained and neutral listener helps join the dots between thoughts and feelings, creating fresh perspectives and new ways of thinking, relating, and coping. Therapy can be challenging, but almost always in a helpful way. Coming to terms with past events or current worries – even very traumatic ones – is not usually as scary as we might think. In a safe relationship, it’s a relief to bring worries to light.

As a Therapist, my role is as a facilitative equal. No one knows you like you, but it never hurts to get a fresh take on stuck points, unhelpful habits or underlying patterns in behaviour. I am naturally non-judgemental and, among other things, can help you unpick stories you tell yourself about who or how you ‘are’ or ‘should be.’

In my view, quality Therapy helps us understand ourselves more deeply, enabling positive change and identifying pathways to a more authentic and fulfilling future.

Whatever’s on your mind, I can support you to make sense of it safely and to move forward with a greater understanding of self and others; confidence, and even some Va Va Voom!

My specialisms include depression, anxiety & stress; working in confidence with high-profile, gifted, and high-achieving adults; relationship concerns including recovery from coercive, co-dependent , and toxic situations, and LGBTQIA*-related themes. I have a particular interest in helping women with low self-esteem and ‘Imposter Syndrome’ to get a sense of authority and offer Therapeutic support to those with ADHD.


Why are you considering Therapy?

  • You may be feeling ‘too’ sensitive or stressed, guilty or anxious.
  • You may be lacking in confidence or self-esteem.
  • You may be struggling with a current or historic relationship or family and work problems.
  • You might be battling with unresolved loss and bereavement.
  • You be preoccupied with earlier memories or current experiences of neglect or abuse.
  • You could be trying to understand a sense of ‘failure’, disappointment, or loneliness.
  • Sometimes we feel sad, low, or troubled without a clear reason, just a sense that something is ‘off,’ and worth exploring.

About me:
A former TV Producer, I retrained as a Therapist some time ago when physical and mental crises forced a lifestyle overhaul and a reckoning with ‘Self’. I had been a ‘Therapy cynic’ but was humbled when my own experience of counselling proved revelatory. It was a relief to relate in a way that enabled elemental change, not just in Thinking but also in Feeling. I had not realised what was driving my discontent until I got brave and opened up.

This is why my preferred therapeutic approach is Existential. Existentialism simply means ‘about existence.’ (Often this boils down to understanding ourselves in relationships with others.) Its gently questioning position seeks to define what matters to us, uniquely, and how our attitudes, values, and beliefs align with who we really are. It explores ways in which we can move toward actions and behaviours that encourage satisfying and meaningful lives and helps unlock patterns and attitudes that are unhelpful to us as individuals.

If you’d like to find out more about how my Therapy works, please contact me below and book an initial session.


My Fees:

  • Therapy In Person  £90.00 – 55 mins 
  • Therapy Online  £90.00 – 55 mins 
  • Low Cost by Arrangement £75.00 – 55 mins 
  • Psychological Assessments Please enquire directly. 
  • Mediation Please enquire directly. 
  • Media Interviews Please enquire directly. 


***If you are in need of more information and guidance about therapy, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page.***

Contact Details

Jess Leigh, existential therapist, can be reached using the following:
Telephone: 07739 180546
Email: [email protected]

Clients Jess Leigh Works With

Client Issues Jess Deals With

Therapy Modalities Jess uses With Clients

Training and Qualifications

Level 7 (MSC equiv) PG Dip Humanistic Psychotherapuetic Counselling with Distinction, Brighton University.

BA Developmental Psychology & English Lit, Auckland University. LTCL Teacher’s Communications Diploma, Trinity College London.

ATCL Communications Diploma, Trinity College London.

Level 6 Couples and Relationship Training, AYA Level 7 (MSC equiv) Neuroscience and Immunobiology, University of East London.

Mediation and Coaching Skills, CBT and DBT, Vulnerable Adult, Bereavement and Eating Disorder Trainings, Various.

Previous Therapeutic Experience

I have worked in a range of services including the voluntary and charity sectors; low cost community counselling and private practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Seek Therapy?

Many people, new to this type of help, believe that they need to be suffering from “mental illness” or serious “psychological problems”, or be in crisis in order for therapy and counselling to be appropriate for them. This is a common misconception; anyone can benefit from therapy when it comes to helping you deal with your personal feelings and problems, make positive changes in your life, and understand yourself better.

So what is therapy and counselling? If you’re new to this world then the first steps can sometimes be the most difficult. Therapy can be a very effective treatment for a whole range of personal problems covering areas from physical and emotional problems, different types of behavioural disorders, through to human sexuality issues and a host of wellbeing and complementary therapy techniques.

Any problem you have that is causing you concern, anxiety or distress is a valid and appropriate reason to reach out and find a therapist and talk to them about it. Far from something to be ashamed of, acknowledging your vulnerability and asking for help is a sign of maturity and strength.

If you feel that you have a desire and are committed to making changes in your life in order to overcome your current problems and achieve more long-term satisfaction, psychological wellbeing and personal fulfilment, then you are ready to seek therapy. We are here to help you work through a wide range of therapy issues that might be troubling you.

Will Information About Me Be Safe & Secure?

It is quite normal to be hesitant when it comes to sharing private and intimate information about yourself with a stranger. You may fear that you will receive judgment from your therapist, or that your therapist will share your details with others.

HQ Therapy Rooms takes your privacy and confidentiality very seriously. Our therapists are required to keep everything said in therapy sessions between you, just like your doctor is required to keep your records private.

For therapy to be effective, there must be unconditional trust built between you and your therapist, and this relies on a shared understanding of confidentiality. It applies to the outside world as well: it is standard practice for therapists not to acknowledge their clients if they run into them outside of the therapy rooms in order to help protect their client’s confidentiality. Read our full privacy policy for more information.

Can I Contact You For Advice About Getting Therapy?

Talking about your thoughts and feelings with a supportive therapist can often make you feel better and help you face your problems. It feels good to be listened to and to know that someone cares about you and wants to help. It is important that you find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable and can build a trusting relationship to help you make positive changes in your life.

But how do you know what type of therapy is right for you? Taking the first steps in finding the right therapist can be the biggest hurdle for newcomers, so we have made it easy. Simply get in touch with us using the form below or give us a call at 0203 997 9229 and one of our fully qualified referral therapists can work with you to make sure you connect with the right practitioner and receive the correct therapy and counselling services you require.

However, if you feel you are ready to start therapy straight away then click HERE to book an initial therapy assessment with a fully qualified therapist, or if you are struggling financially click HERE to book an initial therapy assessment with one of our Low-Cost therapists.

Our practitioners deal with a wide range of therapy issues using different types of therapy modalities tailored to the types of clients we work with. We also cater for people who are beset with financial difficulties, offering them services ranging from low-cost therapy and reduced-rate therapy to working with seasoned, qualified and accredited talking therapists.