What Is Dreamwork Therapy?: Engaging with dreams as part of therapy has a long history. In modern dreamwork therapy, ‘dreamworkers’ use this technique to help the dreamer tap into and process their emotions to form an understanding of what your dreams say about your waking life. They can also show us things about yourself that you might not otherwise know.
Unlike Freudian ‘dream interpretation’, and Jung’s ‘amplification’, in which the analyst is the expert, in dreamwork the dreamworker and the dreamer partner together as a team, with the therapist guiding the client in discovering meaning for themselves.
How does dreamwork therapy work?: Dreamwork therapy allows an inhibited person to bring their fears, emotions, memories, life transitions, behaviours and hopes into therapy that you may not be able to articulate clearly for the therapist.
The end result of this type of process is to help you gain self-confidence in things such as problem-solving, gaining self-awareness, motivation, increasing empathy, treating nightmares, or improving your overall wellbeing.