Brian Sheppard Person-Centred PsychotherapistBrian Sheppard:

Trainee Person-Centred Psychotherapist (BACP student member)

Hello, my name is Brian Sheppard, I am a third-year person-centred psychotherapy student studying for an MSc in Person-Centered Psychotherapy, I also teach mental health nursing as a Senior Lecturer.

I am a passionate and dedicated individual with diverse interests that converge at the intersection of sexuality, relationships, trans-culturalism, and the challenges of forming meaningful connections.

With a deep interest in sexuality and relationships, I am committed to understanding the complexities of human connections and fostering healthy, fulfilling relationships.

My work delves into the intricacies of intimate partnerships, exploring topics such as communication, intimacy, and sexual health to promote positive relationship dynamics and enhance overall well-being.

My passion for trans-culturalism stems from a recognition of the rich diversity of human cultures and the importance of cultural competence in fostering meaningful connections across diverse communities.

I strive to bridge cultural divides and promote cross-cultural understanding, recognising the value of embracing and honouring differences while finding common ground and shared experiences.

Central to my work is exploring the problems people encounter in forming meaningful relationships, whether due to societal norms, personal insecurities, or systemic barriers. I am committed to addressing these challenges through education, advocacy, and therapeutic interventions that empower individuals to cultivate authentic connections, navigate interpersonal dynamics, and overcome obstacles to intimacy and fulfilment.

In the past, I worked as a dedicated mental health nurse with over two decades of experience, having entered the field in 2000.

Throughout my career, I have specialised in Dual Diagnosis, focusing on providing holistic care for individuals facing co-occurring drug and alcohol addiction alongside mental health challenges.

With a wealth of experience in the field, I have developed a comprehensive understanding of the unique needs and challenges faced by clients with Dual Diagnosis. I employ evidence-based practices and a person-centred approach to tailor treatment plans that address each individual’s specific circumstances and goals.

Finally, I am a dynamic and experienced fitness instructor with a passion for dance and wellness. My journey as a Zumba instructor has allowed me to work with individuals from various cultures, backgrounds, and levels of fitness motivation. Whether leading classes in bustling urban centres or community centres in culturally diverse neighbourhoods,

I am committed to creating inclusive and welcoming environments where everyone feels empowered to move and express themselves freely.

<<< If you are ready to begin therapy, click the low-cost assessment button to start your therapeutic journey. If you still feel a bit unsure about taking those first steps then don’t hesitate to contact us for some help. >>>

Brian Sheppard – Working Hours

Friday – 18:00 – 21:00 (online)

Clients Brian Sheppard Works With

Client Issues Brian Deals With

Therapy Modalities Brian uses With Clients

Training and Qualifications

– BSc Nursing
– Msc Dual Diagnosis
– Post Grad Dip Social Anthropology

Previous Therapeutic Experience

– Dual Diagnosis Specialist; Motivational Interviewing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Seek Therapy?

Many people, new to this type of help, believe that they need to be suffering from “mental illness” or serious “psychological problems”, or be in crisis in order for therapy and counselling to be appropriate for them. This is a common misconception; anyone can benefit from therapy when it comes to helping you deal with your personal feelings and problems, make positive changes in your life, and understand yourself better.

So what is therapy and counselling? If you’re new to this world then the first steps can sometimes be the most difficult. Therapy can be a very effective treatment for a whole range of personal problems covering areas from physical and emotional problems, different types of behavioural disorders, through to human sexuality issues and a host of wellbeing and complementary therapy techniques.

Any problem you have that is causing you concern, anxiety or distress is a valid and appropriate reason to reach out and find a therapist and talk to them about it. Far from something to be ashamed of, acknowledging your vulnerability and asking for help is a sign of maturity and strength.

If you feel that you have a desire and are committed to making changes in your life in order to overcome your current problems and achieve more long-term satisfaction, psychological wellbeing and personal fulfilment, then you are ready to seek therapy. We are here to help you work through a wide range of therapy issues that might be troubling you.

Will Information About Me Be Safe & Secure?

It is quite normal to be hesitant when it comes to sharing private and intimate information about yourself with a stranger. You may fear that you will receive judgment from your therapist, or that your therapist will share your details with others.

HQ Therapy Rooms takes your privacy and confidentiality very seriously. Our therapists are required to keep everything said in therapy sessions between you, just like your doctor is required to keep your records private.

For therapy to be effective, there must be unconditional trust built between you and your therapist, and this relies on a shared understanding of confidentiality. It applies to the outside world as well: it is standard practice for therapists not to acknowledge their clients if they run into them outside of the therapy rooms in order to help protect their client’s confidentiality. Read our full privacy policy for more information.

Can I Contact You For Advice About Getting Therapy?

Talking about your thoughts and feelings with a supportive therapist can often make you feel better and help you face your problems. It feels good to be listened to and to know that someone cares about you and wants to help. It is important that you find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable and can build a trusting relationship to help you make positive changes in your life.

But how do you know what type of therapy is right for you? Taking the first steps in finding the right therapist can be the biggest hurdle for newcomers, so we have made it easy. Simply get in touch with us using the low-cost help and advice form and one of our fully qualified therapists can work with you to make sure you get the right advice you need in order to receive the correct low-cost therapy and counselling services you require.

Our practitioners deal with a wide range of therapy issues using different types of therapy modalities tailored to the types of clients we work with. We also cater for people who are beset with financial difficulties, offering them services ranging from low-cost therapy and reduced-rate therapy to working with seasoned, qualified and accredited talking therapists.

<<< If you are ready to begin therapy, click the low-cost assessment button to start your therapeutic journey. If you still feel a bit unsure about taking those first steps then don’t hesitate to contact us for some help. >>>