What Is Biodynamic Psychotherapy?: Biodynamic psychotherapy is a complementary, somatic form of therapy that works with both the body and the mind to achieve an overall state of wellness and wellbeing. Practitioners use a combination of talking therapy and bodywork (biodynamic body psychotherapy) to help you achieve a state of deep safety and relaxation.
A core aspect of biodynamic psychotherapy is the completion of emotional cycles, the purpose of which is to allow you to experience grounded and embodied positive emotions that you may not have been able to feel before if the cycle was interrupted at a crucial point.
What to expect from Biodynamic Psychotherapy?: You will usually be sitting or lying down for this type of therapy, and you and your therapist will work together to find the most appropriate position for you. Biodynamic psychotherapy takes some inspiration from the benefits of the psychoanalytic couch, which allows the body to relax and creates space for unconscious material to rise to the surface.
There are many aspects to biodynamic psychotherapy, and different combinations of techniques are beneficial for different issues. All, however, are geared towards bringing your mind and body into alignment and creating the right environment for the natural and spontaneous flow of life energy.