What Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a type of neurodiversity, meaning that the brains of people with ADHD function differently from the average. People with ADHD may have trouble focusing, be forgetful or easily distracted, struggle with time management, and become easily bored.
Although it is often diagnosed in childhood, adult diagnoses are becoming more common. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (sometimes called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)) may be genetic, and living in a stressful society (where, for example, academic and professional demands are high) may also be a factor.
ADHD is often treated with medication, and different types of therapy modalities could also be beneficial. You may find it difficult to regulate your feelings or behaviour, and a knowledgeable and supportive therapist could help you to learn strategies to manage your symptoms, explore your priorities, and set achievable goals.
Therapists can help you distinguish between issues stemming from your ADHD, and those stemming from other issues you may have, and develop ways of living that work for you.